2024. Sudlovenick, E., Pokiak, V., Swanson, H., Kirk, J., and Loseto. L. 2024. Harvester selection and observed mercury levels in Eastern Beaufort Sea and Western Hudson Bay beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Science of the Total Environment.
2024. Sudlovenick, E. Jenkins, E., Loseto, L. Comparative review of One Health and Indigenous approaches to wildlife research in Inuit Nunangat. One Health.
2023. Sudlovenick, E., Simonee, J., Jones, M.E.B., L’Hérault, V.L., Hernández-Ortiz, A., Jenkins, E., Parker, S.,
Mavrot, F., Schneider, A., Kutz, S., Saliki, J.T., and Daoust, P-Y. Surveillance for zoonotic pathogens and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of ringed seals (nattiit)(Pusa hispida) in Frobisher Bay and Eclipse Sounds, Nunavut. Canada. Arctic. 76 (3): 244 - 381.
2022. Bushman, V.Q., and Sudlovenick, E. Indigenous-led conservation in the Arctic supports global conservation practices. Arctic Science. 6, 1-6.
2020. Manore, A., Harper, S.L., Sargent, J.M., Weese, J.S., Cunsolo, A., Bunce, A., Shirley, J., Sudlovenick, E., and Shapiro, K. Cryptosporidium and Giardia in locally harvested clams in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Zoonoses and Public Health. 67, 352 - 361.
2020. Bourdagesa M.P.T., Provencher, J.F., Sudlovenick, E., Ferguson, S.H., Young, B.G., Pelletiera, N., Murphya M.J.J., D'Addarioa, A., Vermaire J.C. No plastics detected in seal (Phocidae) stomachs harvested in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 150, 110772.
2019. Julien, D.A., Sargeant, J.M., Guy, R.A., Shapiro, K., Imai, R.K., Bunce, A., Sudlovenick, E., Chen, S., Li, J., and Harper, S.L. Prevalence and genetic characterization of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in dogs in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada. Zoonoses and Public Health. 66, 813 - 825.
2016. Janjua, M.Y., Etuangat, J., Sudlovenick, E., Martin, Z., Tallman, R., Friesen, M., and Carmichael, T. Results of a traditional ecological knowledge study on Arctic Char in Qikiqtarjuaq (Nunavut) fishing areas. DFO-MPO.
Other Publications/ Articles
Research with Arctic Inuit Communities
Book chapter: Atauttikkut Combining Research and Home.
Provides new Arctic socials researchers with a resource to help them be better prepared for working with Inuit communities.
Science World Podcast
Looking under the ice with Enooyaq Sudlovenick
Check it out here to give it a listen.
Student’s On Ice Podcast
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Science-based Research 101
This conversation between Enooyaq and Kathleen Matari centers around our experiencces and importance of combining two scientific ways of knowing. Check it out here.
2024. April. Convener and presenter. Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment. Conference. Tromso, Norway.
2024. April. Panel: Towards the integrated Ocean Science we need for the Arctic Ocean we want. Unites Nations Ocean Decade Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
2023. December. Wildlife Research in Inuit Nunaat. Indigenous Voices Seminar Series. Environment and Climate Change Canada. Online
2023. June. Research in Inuit Nunaat. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Online.
2022. January. Using transcriptomics to examine beluga health. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Online.
2020. December. Eastern Beaufort Sea and Western Hudson Bay beluga trends in contaminants: Does local context mean different outcomes for the same project? Arctic Change, Ottawa, Canada
2020. September. Indigenous food sovereignty and contaminants: Perspective from the US Southwest and the Arctic. University of Arizona, USA.
2019. December. Mixed methods: Indigenous and Western science in assessing Ringed seal health. ArcticNet, Halifax, Ottawa.
2019. October. Bridging the gap: Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and a serological survey of harvested Ringed seals in Iqaluit, NU. Northern Contaminants Program, Whitehorse, YT.
Short Film
Going down south for school can get lonely and tough. This short film was made in partnership with Wrong Horse Productions, and shared on CBC North.